SPONSORS-Promo Applications

We thank you for your interest in our SPONSORS-Promo program. Like many large corporations, ICONS INTERNATIONAL GROUP receives many applications to sponsor initiatives. We appreciate you considering us as a partner for your project and would be pleased to take the time to look at your application. Every application is assessed against the ICONS INTERNATIONAL GROUP’s and its Business Partners sponsorship policy.

To complete your “Application registration” please proceed with this 2 step simple procedure:

  1. Fill-in the online “SPONSORS – Promo Application Form” by  clicking here
  2. Pay the “Administration and registration fees” of USD 420.00 (USD four hundred and twenty only) online by clicking on the “Pay Now” button below (for alternative payment methods please send an e-mail request to: sponsors.applications@iconsfze.com).


  1. By applying to SPONSORS-Promo you will find sponsors to support your initiative FASTER…or, if instead, you are looking for support to enter new markets for opening the door to new possibilities AND gain high visibility, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!

  2. All “ICONS EMPOWERED MEMBERS” are entitled to a free of charge application! Please visit the following link for more details: EMPOWERED.
  3. All “ICONS CERITIFIED MEMBERS” are entitled to a free of charge application! Please visit the following link for more details: CERTIFIED.
  4. All “ICONS FULFILLED MEMBERS” are entitled to a free of charge application! Please visit the following link for more details: FULFILLED.
  5. If  you are an ICONS Investor this “Admin Submission Fee” is Free of Charge. Courtesy of ICONS GROUP as an ongoing commitment towards synergy and loyalty of its Shareholders. For more information on how to become an ICONS Investor please visit this link: INVESTORS. For information on Benefits, Return on Investment, Bonus, Savings and Guarantees please see: THE ICONS OWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY.
  6. Administration Fee is required to cover all due diligence, application analysis and qualification processes costs.

USD 420.00 – SPONSORS-Promo Application Admin Fee

Undertaking:     I, the applicant, hereby certify that I have read and understood all the statements/questions in this application. The answers and information furnished in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that once paid the application is non-refundable irrespective of the outcome of my application and doesn’t in any way guarantee issuance of funding. I agree that I cannot cancel or amend this transaction. Any amendments are subject to a new application.

IMPORTANT:     Your application entry will be displayed to all our investor network. We will promptly communicate manifested interest and proceed with terms of engagement agreements as appropriate. We will answer all applications and communicate the result of the application. In our endeavors for improvement, ICONS INTERNATIONAL will safeguard you interest by qualifying Partners, Clients, Projects, Opportunities and Applications before submitting any Opportunity to you.


We look forward to supporting your business and success.

Author: admin

Accomplished and dedicated executive, Master in Business Administration, with a proven ability to develop and implement expansion and growth strategies that support business and financial objectives. Expert in financial risks management, financial planning and data analysis. International citizen by experience and mindset, supported by an international professional curricula and background matured in the EU, USA, Middle East and Asia. Open minded, creative, adaptive, open to challenges, serious and pleasant. Positive attitude, proven track record of professionalism and perseverance in meeting expectations and objectives. Experienced in managing, growing and developing businesses, New-co, joint ventures in emerging markets or, in supporting consolidated companies that are engaged in change processes or delicate stages of restructuring, with the goal of bringing added value and success to the company. High knowledge and experience in mergers and acquisitions, SAP implementations, company disaster recovery, business management and motivational leadership. Firm believer that correct data is at the base of every good business decision he advocates for precise research and proper organization of record-keeping, as well as financial reporting. Carries a broad industry knowledge in various sectors from financial, technical, industrial to commercial, matured in the Financial segment, Investments and Financing, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency strategies, Waste To Energy, Waste Management, Environmental and Green (Eco & Green Sector projects), Waste Management Supply Chain, Information Technology (IT), Building, Energy Efficient Constructions and Finishing, Research and Development, Innovation and Engineering, Maritime Industry and business operations, international distribution and the banking sector. Respected industry Captain that treasures everybody’s trust and brings leading initiatives, investments and wellbeing in geographical areas where history, culture, traditions and religions are profoundly different. Full of initiative, determination, drive, passion, vision and promoter of “correct processes” as the roadmap forward for the achievement of goals and milestones. Recognized as an expert in applying twofold company competitive advantage strategies by providing superior services/products at competitive prices.