About us

Welcome to ICONS

Innovative Concepts & solutions. The International Business Consulting Corporation with global reach! 

ICONS INTERNATIONAL GROUP (ICONS) is an International Business Consulting Corporation based in the United Arab Emirates and connected with other major countries through a network of professionals that help Clients find new partners and opportunities in order to make smart decisions with their money. We are focused on our Clients high R.O.I. and the security of their investments. Through our quorum of expertise and competencies, our firm is committed to developing long-term Client relationships built on a foundation of ethics, service and trust. We are committed and fully dedicated to our Clients investment goals so they in turn can focus on creating a quality of life that reflects their deepest values. We pride ourselves with our distinctive perspective towards strategic investment in emerging markets and capital markets by facilitating the commercialization of technology-based products, innovative concepts & solutions and services. We continually uphold our spirit of innovation with a focus driven approach to maintain our leverage in the industry. We shape the future by creating value for our Investors, Partners and Clients.


  • World class management & consultancy services.
  • 100 % customer satisfaction.
  • Identification of emerging markets and business opportunities.
  • Guidance for Investors interest towards emerging markets.
  • Enabling for funding and fundraising support.
  • Comprehensive and united focus on Clients strategic objectives.
  • Strong business assets for Clients – through brand building, licensing and utilization of ICONS services.
  • Coaching of enterprises towards achievement of objectives and success.
  • Global platform of International business opportunities.


We connect entrepreneurs with domain experts, industry veterans, premier law firms, venture capital resources, and strategic partners throughout the industry. ICONS members include several leading venture capital partnerships and other international angel investor organizations. ICONS’ today represents a crossroad of opportunities where Professionals, Companies, Personnel, Projects, New ideas and Technologies all come together. Our knowledge ranges through a comprehensive array of different markets and we are defined as a multinational, multicultural platform with a very high focus on developing International business opportunities, capital ventures and Joint Ventures.


We syndicate deals and participate in follow-on rounds, to ensure that our companies can continue to hit critical milestones and grow. Direct investments are typically $500k-$750k-$1M, with syndicated financing ranging up to the project requirements. We believe that the true growth potential lies with companies who are at an early stage in their growth cycle. For this reason we are strongly focused on Capital Ventures, Joint Ventures, Projects, Acquisitions and setting up New Companies. We come from a long term International experience in various industries that range from manufacturing, trade, services and finance. The initiative has great focus and capability of attracting Capital Investors through a proven track record of successes.


We draw on our members’ deep domain expertise in the different market segments both in technology and operations to provide companies with unique, specific, industry-relevant insights. We take board seats and work side by side with entrepreneurs to drive companies toward their goals. Experience, industry knowledge, expertise, passion and education are the distinguishing characteristics that set ICONS apart from our peers. Our unwavering commitment to professionalism and the best interests of our Clients have enabled us to become one of the leaders in our field, worldwide. Our highly disciplined approach to investing provides intelligent opportunities for our Clients, with an eye toward fostering relationships that last decades. ICONS portfolio of assets boasts unique brand equity and a definite competitive advantage that has enhanced its position of leadership in the market. Over the years, it continues to maintain its tradition of excellence through its unique value creation approach in each of its products, projects and services. Our model has evolved over several years as we continue to enhance our ability to meet the ever-changing economic environment. At ICONS, we are committed to helping each of our Clients by offering sound investment opportunities combined with un-equaled customer support and consultancy; our Clients enjoy a research apparatus and level of service that is beyond reproach.


ICONS commitment to environmental sustainability is evident with the company’s emphasis to its corporate social responsibilities and values. Led by a strong management, its organization is composed of dynamic, motivated and strong-willed individuals who share the same passion of making a difference in the society.

Gearing up for the future, ICONS will continue to innovate and reinvent itself to keep ahead of the changes as it seeks new opportunities for growth and iconic project developments for its Clients in the United Arab Emirates and international markets. For our investors ICONS represents a light to follow on the track to successful investments and growth.


There is surely an ICONS opportunity waiting for you.

Waste To Energy Power Plants

Generic issues with Waste

Generic issues with Landfills

Leachate is a liquid that is formed when the waste decays. Rainfall percolating through the waste will dissolve soluble components of the waste, but leachate will also contain in-solubles such as oils and small particles. It has to be monitored as it can be toxic and cause damage to the surrounding environment if it is not treated correctly.

Leachate production is an inevitable consequence of the landfilling of wastes, it is a process that can last for a number of decades, possibly in excess of 100 years on larger contained sites.

Landfill gas is a by-product generated from the decomposition of biodegradable wastes such as household waste. The major constituents of landfill gas are methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Typically 45% – 65% of landfill gas is methane. At certain concentrations a mixture of methane or hydrogen may ignite causing fires or explosions.

Our value proposition:

  • Financially sound
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Societally valid
  • Proven

ICONS holds the international distribution and implementation rights for the latest state of the art Waste To Energy (W2E) technology. It is sustainable, non-polluting, profitable & leading edge Green W2E Power Generation utilising unique, innovative & revolutionary technology.

The W2E technology is fully protected by international patents and we will continue to ensure future R&D security and competitive advantages.

In the implementation process ICONS will provide an infrastructure that is distributed to meet community and local needs thereby aiming to increase the efficiency of the electrical power we generate by up to 33% and maximising the potential of the Combined Heat & Power (CHP) capabilities of the installed W2E plants up to 89%.

ICONS will lead the power generation market by being the first to:

  • transform 100% of waste into energy and valuable products;
  • sell all of the products output from the installed W2E plants, as well as;
  • delivering maximum value financially, environmentally, societally and proven.

The above can be delivered in and environmentally friendly landscaped W2E Power Plant layout that integrates perfectly and in full harmony with urban and residential areas as indicated below:

Key Facts – CSR Environment:

  • No Emissions
  • No Pollution
  • No Landfill Requirement
  • No Odours
  • Efficient Electrical Production
  • Full International Patent Protection
  • 100% conversion of waste to profitable product
  • Deals with liquid and solid waste; including medical waste and sewage
  • Small Footprint
  • No Contamination
  • No Health Hazard
  • No Visual or Environmental Impact
  • Optimised Carbon Footprint
  • No Dioxins
  • Efficient CHP Facility
  • Unique Technology
  • Provides 100% Disposal of Waste
  • Enables Community Power Delivery
  • Revenue generation both upstream & downstream

Key Facts – CSR Society:

  • Enables community power delivery (as opposed to centralised)
  • Creates jobs
  • Integrates seamlessly within urbanisation plans
  • Can provide leisure/green space
  • Ethically & morally positive for society
  • Enables interaction in a proactive way with the community within which it resides
  • Enables streams of education & awareness to flow to the community and stakeholders
  • Can support other ‘green’ stakeholders (waste – recycling – power)

The Need:

  • Rapidly Filling Landfills
  • The growing communities are producing tonnes of waste each year.
  • Municipal waste will double by 2020
  • Only under 10 years of landfill life left
  • Land is in short supply (development, food production & leisure)
  • The fuel is available in huge quantities – Waste, the new ‘coal’?
  • The growing communities are becoming resource poor
  • Two out of three coal fired power stations will close by 2015
  • Demand overtakes supply 2012-2015
  • There is a need for non-polluting ‘Green-Energy’; not only morally but also politically and by statute
  • Government support is available

Key Figures:

  • Payback Period 4 years.
  • Revenue example (340 tons/day municipal waste conversion / disposal) 1st yr = US$168.3m.
  • Cost/Year example (340 tons/day municipal waste conversion / disposal) = US$26.6m.
  • Space Required 25,000 m2 for 340 tons/day municipal waste conversion / disposal capacity.
  • IRR 25%.
  • ROI on EBITDA 29%.
  • Operation 24/7.
  • Plant Build 20 mths from order.
  • Plants available for converting / disposing any capacity.

Revenue & Profit Opportunities:

ICONS provides revenue & profit opportunities both upstream and downstream:

  • Waste – revenues from collection/acceptance for disposal
  • Recycled Materials – revenue from recycled material sale
  • Electrical Power – suppliers subject to statutory renewables obligation until 31 March 2027
  • Thermal Energy – district heating/cooling, sanitary hot water, water desalination plants
  • Water – for sale to industry or retail
  • Hydrogen Gas (H2) – for sale to industry
  • Carbon Dioxide Gas (CO2) – for sale to industry
  • Aggregates – for sale to industry (e.g. cement additives and road construction)
  • Carbon Credits – for sale on the carbon credit market

For more information please e-mail info@iconsfze.com.

Renewable Energy

ICONS is heavily engaged in Research & Development to reduce global carbon emissions from energy production – CO2 to ZERO by 2050.

  • On average 5 tons each per world population
  • 6.8 billion people worldwide 2010 (heading to 9 billion)

Our efforts are also extended to the Research & Development in the renewable energy sector to reduce energy prices in order to be twice as cheep. Energy miracle !

  • 6.8 billion people worldwide 2010
  • Of the above, about 2 billion are without energy
  • To reduce poverty the best solution is to lower the price of energy

Renewable energy is energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished).

In 2008, about 19% of global final energy consumption came from renewables, with 13% coming from traditional biomass, which is mainly used for heating, and 3.2% from hydroelectricity. New renewables (small hydro, modern biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuels) accounted for another 2.7% and are growing very rapidly.

The share of renewables in electricity generation is around 18%, with 15% of global electricity coming from hydroelectricity and 3% from new renewables.

Wind power is growing at the rate of 30% annually, with a worldwide installed capacity of 158 gigawatts (GW) in 2009, and is widely used in Europe, Asia, and the United States. At the end of 2009, cumulative global photovoltaic (PV) installations surpassed 21 GW and PV power stations are popular in Germany and Spain. Solar thermal power stations operate in the USA and Spain, and the largest of these is the 354 megawatt (MW) SEGS power plant in the Mojave Desert. The world’s largest geothermal power installation is The Geysers in California, with a rated capacity of 750 MW. Brazil has one of the largest renewable energy programs in the world, involving production of ethanol fuel from sugar cane, and ethanol now provides 18% of the country’s automotive fuel. Ethanol fuel is also widely available in the USA.

While many renewable energy projects are large-scale, renewable technologies are also suited to rural and remote areas, where energy is often crucial in human development. Globally, an estimated 3 million households get power from small solar PV systems. Micro-hydro systems configured into village-scale or county-scale mini-grids serve many areas. More than 30 million rural households get lighting and cooking from biogas made in household-scale digesters. Biomass cookstoves are used by 160 million households.

Climate change concerns, coupled with high oil prices, peak oil, and increasing government support, are driving increasing renewable energy legislation, incentives and commercialization. New government spending, regulation and policies helped the industry weather the global financial crisis better than many other sectors.

At ICONS we combine our Research & Development activities with the design, implementation and installation of renewable energy projects that avail of the latest state of the art technology. By endeavouring in this mission our objectives are to contribute to the reduction of global carbon emissions from energy production – CO2 to ZERO by 2050 and reduce energy prices in order to be twice as cheep. Energy miracle !

Emirates Farm For Agriculture (EFALP)

ICONS CONSULTING: The Emirates Farm For Agriculture and Live Stock Production (EFALP) of Abu Dhabi – United Arab Emirates produces first quality Capsicums, Tomatoes, Cucumbers and Cauliflower.

A trustworthy producer and supplier, reliable on its commitments and with the objective of building a strong and binding relationship with its Clients.

In a global market in which an efficient logistics can reach any and every little community worldwide, Emirates Farm For Agriculture can guarantee high quality fresh produce at your doorstep.

For importers, distributors or Supermarkets we are ready to make sample shipments to introduce you to our high quality standard of agricultural produce and we are sure to be competitive in the market.

We have been certified by TUV NORD INTEGRA bvba, member of TUV Nord Group, and comply with the stringent GLOBAL G.A.P. (EUREPGAP) certifications.



































For any enquiry please contact our agent ICONS FZE by sending an e-mail at the following address: info@iconsfze.com .

R. & D. / Charity / Development Programs

Funds raised through the ICONS Membership Subscriptions program will also contribute towards:

Research & Development to reduce global carbon emissions from energy production – CO2 to ZERO by 2050.

    • On average 5 tons each per world population
  • 6.8 billion people worldwide 2010 (heading to 9 billion)

Research & Development in the renewable energy sector to reduce energy prices in order to be twice as cheep. Energy miracle !

    • 6.8 billion people worldwide 2010
  • Of the above, about 2 billion are without energy
  • To reduce poverty the best solution is to lower the price of energy

Research & Development in the Food and Water industry.

Research & Development in the Waste To Energy (WTE) and Water Treatment sector.

Research & Development in the Green Construction sector (GECO).Expansion of Your future possibilities by funding, developing and engaging in new opportunities (Joint Ventures, Green field ventures, Projects, Tenders, etc.).

Charity funds (Help us help others program).We take this opportunity to thank you in advance for joining our Membership Scheme and look forward to seeing you on board.

Show Business & Entertainment

The NEW “Business Unit” in joint venture with ICONS INTERNATIONAL

At ICONS INTERNATIONAL, the specialists in emerging markets and innovation, we have chosen to offer our extended networking expertise to ever increasing market segments. We have therefore entered the Entertainment sector where we have the strategic role of bringing together “Demand” and “Offer”.

We organize and assist:

  • TV Production
  • TV Studios
  • FILM Production
  • Film Studios
  • FILM Funds
  • Media Groups
  • Events
  • Sports events
  • Music events
  • and much more …

We help professionals and newcomers to the Entertainment business (actresses, actors, authors, film directors, musicians, models, producers, professional athletes, writers and other people in various entertainment businesses) to be successful by coaching them with the right advice and leading them to success through our Talent Agency.  We are well established and our success is determined by networks upon networks of contacts as well as having access to professional casting services. To be noted that many of these casting resources are not available to the general public.

Finally we can assist you with the connected Advertising, Product Placement and Sponsorship requirements that you or your organization may have.

Please forward your inquiries to info@iconsfze.com . We will be glad to inform and assist you.

How to become an Actor or Actress


Becoming an Actor or an Actress is the dream of many people. Stardom is the goal of many, but the reality of few. You’ll need Strong Will, Perseverance, Time, Talent, Commitment and Dedication.

Becoming an Actor or an Actress is often a long road with many sacrifices along the way, however it is possible. Get all the experience that you can, and take every opportunity and role possible. Get your name and face out there. That is how you get known and this is where we can help!.

Here is the basic road to becoming a star:

The first thing you need to do is to get in contact with a talent agency and set up an audition. This will establish you with an agency before uprooting yourself and moving with only a dream.

You will instead have a foundation to build on.

The second thing you need to do to become an Actor or Actress is to enroll in some professional acting classes. Do this near your home. Also, get involved in some acting at the local scene. Join your community drama club or theatre and get a little experience under your belt.

We can advise you on the possibilities that you have around your area.

Now that you have got involved with a talent agency and found a path for experience in your city. You will need to be readily available to attend all auditions or casting calls that your agent sets you up with.

Jump at nearly every opportunity that comes your way. Take every role you can get, for experience if nothing else. Expect to start at the bottom and work your way up. Not everyone becomes a breakthrough artist right away.

Now, become a star!
Make your dreams come true and become part of the celebrity world!

Work and work hard, and it can happen.

We are always seeking for Acting Roles (Cast) and associated support roles:

  • Male Lead Actors
  • Female Lead Actors
  • Actresses
  • Actors
  • Extras
  • Dancers
  • Stunt performers
  • Stunt Doubles
  • Stand-ins
  • Narrators
  • Presenters

… and support people for Actors:

  • Dialogue coach
  • Choreographer
  • Stunt coordinator
  • Make Up
  • Hair Stylist
  • Wardrobe
  • Costume Designer
  • Personal Assistant

At ICONS INTERNATIONAL, the specialists in emerging markets and innovation, we will be glad to present you the opportunities and help you to be successful in this fascinating business.

Please forward your inquiries to info@iconsfze.com . We will be glad to inform and assist you.

Legend TV & Film Production

ICONS INTERNATIONAL, the specialists in emerging markets and innovation, is the Official Agent of Legend” – TV & Film Production.

To publicize this new agreement, ICONS will promote the production of a one hour television documentary, filmed in Full High Definition (HDTV) that will showcase the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. For more information please visit the RAK Television Documentary.

Legend Film & Television production company is a specialist communications & media production company servicing both the corporate and global film and television markets .

A British company living in Dubai! We put up with the heat, you get the experience that we have built up working with the worlds top TV Channels, Advertising Agencies and Blue Chip Corporations.

Our people started filming in the 70’s and 80’s, when TV cameras had valves in them and took half the day to warm up. We shot on 35mm film in the depths of Siberia and the badlands of Mexico. Twelve years ago we got to know High Definition cameras (HD cameras first appeared in Japan in the early 80’s) and nowadays we mix modern HD cameras with 35mm film lenses giving true movie quality to our projects.

Legend Film & Television has an Award winning team which have decades of quality production experience and have successfully delivered assignments for the likes of the BBC, Discovery Channel, MTV, etc. All of the filming is undertaken utilising leading HD (High Definition) cameras and technologies thus ensuring that your message is delivered with stunning clarity visually, aurally and creatively. The quality of their production work is further enhanced by having one of the UK’s leading Executive Producers as the head of all aspects of production and creativity.

The following provides a brief insight into some of the offerings Legend Film & Television Production can deliver to you by ensuring more effective utilization of digital film media in positively communicating your message to your corporate audience. Clearly this is not exhaustive and is purely limited by the creativity we engender in a clients mind and vision:

  • We will profitably raise your profile within the markets you currently operate, or wish to operate in the future, by helping you to maximize the potential of:
  1. Corporate digital media presentations
  2. Embedded digital media in corporate web-sites
  3. TV Commercials
  4. Viral Marketing
  • We will help you communicate productively with all of your stakeholders; both internally and externally, thus enabling more effective management of their individual needs and wants:
  1. Vision & Mission
  2. Corporate Objectives
  3. Induction Training
  4. Health, Safety & Environment Training
  5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • We enable you to deliver effective and positive communication with all of your stakeholder audience and permit you to highlight areas such as:
  1. The detail of the Landscape & Eco-system within which you operate.
  2. Customer Satisfaction – what it looks like!
  3. Supplier Relationships
  4. Shareholder Relationships
  5. Investor Relationships – making your company come alive!
  • We are able to support you in the development of unique tools, for example, mapping and visualizing your supply chain – Meet the delivery team!
  • We will also have many opportunities for sponsoring documentaries, films and events; this will include opportunities for Product Placement.

I hope the above will be of interest to you, if you wish to discuss and expand what we are able to do for you please do not hesitate to contact ICONS at the following e-mail address info@iconsfze.com . Hopefully we will have the pleasure of meeting you in the near future.


RAK Television Documentary

Ras Al Khaimah (RAK)

Worldwide release
One Hour
High Definition (HD)

Objective: To attract more people to Ras Al Khaimah!

1. By increasing the number of tourists (both staying and visiting)
2. By increasing the number of business visitors (including investors)
3. By attracting commerce and industry to establish themselves in Ras Al Khaimah
4. By encouraging take-up of residency
5. By enabling global exposure of the benefits of Ras Al Khaimah

Figures produced by Ras Al Khaimah say that the current population is around 200,000. RAK is looking to increase this to 750,000 over the next ten years; within this number RAK expects to have around 350,000 high net worth permanent residents.


How Icons can support Ras Al Khaimah in ensuring effective delivery of the Emirates objective.

1. ICONS will produce a one hour television documentary, filmed in Full High Definition (HDTV) that will showcase the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah. The documentary will include the following subjects but not be limited to:

  • History
  • People
  • Culture
  • Geography
  • Wildlife & Environment
  • Economy
  • Developments
  • The Future

2. ICONS will market the documentary to a number of major TV Channels and Film Distributors around the world, including but not limited to:

  • American and Pan Global TV Networks (ie: Discovery Channel HD, NBC, TLC)
  • UK and European TV Networks
  • Middle East and Asia TV Channels
  • China
  • Australasia

Ras Al Khaimah makes for a fascinating television documentary subject with its diversity, history and young, energetic Ruler together with its dynamic ambitions for sustainable and balanced growth. Much effort has been undertaken to raise the worlds awareness of the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah and the success of these efforts are clearly bearing fruit, it is now time to elevate those efforts to even greater levels and enable a global audience to experience the sheer beauty and dynamism that is Ras Al Khaimah and putting the Emirate where it truly belongs on the world tourism map.

A personal story

Shaikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Ruler of the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah

This is a documentary for the western world, a documentary that shows not just the region that is Ras Al Khaimah, but also shows the people, the culture and the developing opportunities that are Ras Al Khaimah. A very important part of the story is having the most important family of Ras Al Khaimah, the dynamic ruler Shaikh Saud Bin Saqr Al Qasimi tell us his own story, to show us Ras Al Khaimah in his own words and share his own personal views of his country
and his people. To go out with our camera crew and meet the people who live and work in this very special place.

  • We will showcase the amazing natural beauty of Ras Al Khaimah from the air, land and sea; including below the waves!
  • The documentary will take time to explore the stunning beauty of the Hajar Mountains.
  • Ras Al Khaimah is also famous for it’s underwater diving and we will send underwater High Definition (HD) cameras down to one of the most famous wreck sites just off the coast.

Click to find out more about the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah!